Okay , two days delayed post . Im so sorry nuer . LOL . I was too lazy to blog th past two days . Was fevering and all . Well , today , its a thursday ! :D And its raining . URGH . ): Had a craving to run atw to parkway to buy strawberry milktea , but before i could prepare and all , it started raining . Stupid rain . ): I wonder how nuer's gonna have fun at www . Its raining super heavily and all . x.x
Met nuer at house busstop there and we trained down to tamp to meet Dada :D Dada took th bus , and was quite fast you know . LOL . Will that was our reflection and nuer was wearing my nerdy specs . LOL . Reached tamp , and Dada reached around th same time too , So met her and went to tamp1 first . Bought my new jacket and dada bought a new shirt . ^^ Haven't really camwhore-d with my new jacket yet , shall post up a picture of it asap . :D
Went over to cs , so get movie tix and all . Watched My sister's keeper . Oh man , That show was awesome !!!!! LOL . Almost cried but was trying not to so as to not smudge my eyeliner and all . Was a very sad show , kinda dragging . But really niceeee . LOL . So after th movie , did abit of shopping . Went over to t1 to play kiapkiap machineeeee . LOL . There was'nt much cute toys though . I think suntec's one is nicer , :D One day gonna camp there , and kiap many toys , and someone's gonna spon me . ^^ .
Callida came over to my house . And we ate 711 food for dinner . And had strawberry eclaires for desert . Oh man , awesome-ness . Went upstairs , washed up and left for ballet . While i was washing my face , oh man , callida was so cute . She took my phone and started taking pictures of herself . So cute rightttttt . :X LOL .
Yeap , after that went for ballet . Was super shaggg-ed out . Met lex at tsod and we went to th toilet , to change . :D And lex was like lets take a picture to commorate todayyy . LOL . Yeap , that explains th first picture , :D I look kinda unglam there . And once again callida took my phone and started camwhoreing . She's just so cute luhs . LOL . Ended class at around 10.40 . Was super shagged k . LOL . Went home , washed up and all , and went to sleeeeeeeep . If i remembered correctly . LOL . Yeap . Thats all for tuesday , Did'nt have much pictures though . Will promise to take more pictures th next time i go outtttt . ^^
Having a bad craving for bbt , maybe go over to parkway later to get some . And hopefully rent some dvds for th holidays too . Might be having a movie marathon ! ^^ wanna come , text me alright , :D
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