Dont have any camwhores cause i did'nt camwhore w. Jy today . LOL . Am having sore eyes nao . Irritating , And kor wont even let me use th toilet to take off my contacts . zz . went out w. buzz group today . Went to orchard to shop . Wearing flats to shop , is th worse thing you can ever wear , oh man . Im like suffering nao . ): Went to b1 at plaza later on to test my luck . Kiap this stupid toy for $2 .

And cause donald looked lonely in there without his girlf , I decided to try again and kiap him . Stupid okay . Kiapkiapkiap . Cannot kiap -.- Thn like alot of people staring at me . ): And i hate having pressure . LOL . In th end i kiap-ed it . With th help of th staff there of course . :X LOL .
Stupid . Im having itches all over my body . Urgh . Gonna take a bathe when korkor's done . And my eyes are hurting . ):
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