Sunday, November 29, 2009
No pictures = no mood for blogging . ):
Phone's being a bitch now , refusing to let me connect and transfer out pictures i took at Sheraton . Urgh . Shall blog day by day . :D
Lets seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ,
Friday , Went for breakfast in th morning , followed by facial . LOL . After that mummy brought me and korkor to eat some porridge that korkor said was nice . Okay la , quite awesome , :D Followed by shopping at tpy . There's nothing there AT ALL . Went home a while to rest because was really tired , Boyf said i was a pig . ): After that went for ballet performance at Sheraton . Well , it was awesome , except for th fact that i did th dance like 1242305948504938605976 times alr . Tried some biscuit thing that day , looked like a smoking cause there was smoke coming out from my mouth . Wanted to have somemore after performing , but no more alr . ): Sooooo , after that , wanted to go home . buttttt , mummy could'nt fetch me , She said one hour later when she's done discussing . Stayed at th hotel w. Callida , but got bored . So .... We decided to go to orchard !! For a mini shopping trip . :X Walked all th way there , just to get a pao . Cause we both did'nt bring money out . ): Walked back to Sheraton , waited for our parents . Her dad came first and she abandoned me there , ): Waited for mummy , and camwhored . :D Shall upload to photos asap when my phone's less bitchy . :D
Saturday , Went out w. Jingyun , to orchard again . I think orchard's really boring . Well , skipped ballet . You knowwww , At wheeelockkkk , something really funny happened , we were like looking at th chocolate store , after that there was nobody at first . And i thought th chocolates were soap bars , And thn suddenly , after we came in , many people started coming in tooo . :B See , me and Jingyun are th awesome-st people on earth . :D Accompanied her to vivo afterwards , ate yoshi , I did'nt eat though . Cause mummy called me and i had to go home for dinner . ): Saw this really freaky guy right . He wore like red lenses , and kept staring at me , Jingyun and her friend . Like damn freaking . And thn when we left right , i glanced in , and i saw him smiling at me . AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . Im freaking out now . ):
Sunday, Well , its today ! :D Woke up early today , because i rock , and went for church . Im so guai righttttt ? :B Aft church went out w. mummy , to parkway to do abit of shopping . was'nt in th mood at all to go shopping because i was dead tired ): Went home , slept in front of th tv for a little while . Woke up and went for swimming with mummy !!!! :D Wore a bikini , and i was th only one there wearing one , oh well . its alright . :B LOL . Am currently on msn talking to Jolene , and boyf , :D Boyf's teaching some girl maths , while im like dying of missing him here , because he does'nt talk much when he teaches people . ):
Such a long a picture-less update . I hate updates like this , because it does'nt make me feel like reading ittttt . I promise i'll upload pictures asapp !! Tuesday going out with dada and boyfee , CANT WAIT . LOL . Neos with dada , :D -evil laugh- Maybe i shall drag boyf to take neos w. me . LOL . :X Cant wait cant wait cant waittttt . Wa hoooooo . :D:D:D
Gonna find something now to snack on , im hungry . AGAIN . :X
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I've got nothing to blog about . Waiting for mummy to wakeup again , If her eye is okay gonna drag her out shopping w. me . :D And im feeling kinda tired , Maybe gonna rest after this post . Yesterday , went for ballet , but did'nt dance . Becauseeeeee , Desmond did'nt let me dance due to my injured leg . I doubt he'll let me dance tmr or tuesday or wednesday . ): Well , Camwhored alot , cause my hair looked quite nice . :X After that went home for a really full dinner and watched shows on youtube , :D
Th uberuber nice scenery near tsod ! :D
Friday, November 20, 2009
Went to airport to fetch her , At first i thought i was going to be late , but when i reached , she just landed . LOL . Thn meet her lor . Saw Jolene , and candy and edward . Candy and edward chao look like couple cannnnnn . :X LOL . After that , went over to girlf's house there , :D Went over to lot1 , to get food . It was raining can . Talked to girlf otw there and back , she super bimbo okay . Umbrella also lazy open . LOL . Thn i open , she come share w. me . LOL . Bimbo cannn . After a while , Celeste came over , ate , and talked on phone . Played th 10 word prank call game . Pranked called a certain someone that i hate . Oh man , She was totally trying to scare us , what , tell police i scared you hur ? LOL . Me no scared you this xmm , LOL . After that , played girlf's lappy , watched stupid and funny videos on youtube . LOL . After that , girlf forced me to camwhore w. her . ):

Went home after that , super long journey home , Had an injured leg and had to stand th whole journey home . ):
Tmr wanted to go shopping and movie w. mummy , But she said that she at night not free . Sian , Shall ask mummy to bring me out again on sunday or something , Yay . LOL .
Going to eat supper now , strawberry cake and milkmilk ! Yay .
You're finally Fourteen alr . Sorry i could'nt post last night , cause went to work , and super tired and all . Anyway , mummy does'nt allow me to work anymore , cause too far and all . Its alright , I'll ask her for money to get you your birthday present . :B LOL . You're prolly on your plane now back to sg , So , Heh . LOL . I cancelled work to go fetch you lehh !!! Be honoured okay . LOL . Gonna see you in about 2 hours time , Yay . xoxo .
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Faster come back sg okay . I miss you like siao . ): So long nv go out with youuuu . I must kiapkiap for you . LOL . That day forget send you off , i promise 20th i go fetch you ^^ . And i must celebrate birthday w. youuu . Even though its kinda belated . ): I will make it a special night . LOL . Now i really sound like im les-ing w. you . LOL . IM NOT OKAY . LOL . Come back sg faster and we shall take neos and play arcade and camwhoreeee . :B I miss you kkkk . ): Faster get your ass back in sg . ): See , Im saying it so many times , over and over again . This shows how much i miss you . :B

Dont have any camwhores cause i did'nt camwhore w. Jy today . LOL . Am having sore eyes nao . Irritating , And kor wont even let me use th toilet to take off my contacts . zz . went out w. buzz group today . Went to orchard to shop . Wearing flats to shop , is th worse thing you can ever wear , oh man . Im like suffering nao . ): Went to b1 at plaza later on to test my luck . Kiap this stupid toy for $2 .

And cause donald looked lonely in there without his girlf , I decided to try again and kiap him . Stupid okay . Kiapkiapkiap . Cannot kiap -.- Thn like alot of people staring at me . ): And i hate having pressure . LOL . In th end i kiap-ed it . With th help of th staff there of course . :X LOL .
Stupid . Im having itches all over my body . Urgh . Gonna take a bathe when korkor's done . And my eyes are hurting . ):

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . Okay . Ignore th picture on top . I look so TOOT-ISH with my degree-d specs . Eew . Anyway , Im bored . Last night daddy took me out for supper . We had noodles around our area !!! I swear i ate till i was so full my stomach felt like it was gonna burst . ): After that i could'nt even sleep EVEN MORE . Tried calling a few friends and in th end just went to sleep . :X Am waiting for my hair to dry nao before i leave home , :D Will come back for a proper update and pictures , most hopefully , that my phone will let me connect it to my com . ): Gonna drag jy to camwhore w. me later ^^ Heh . Most prolly gonna go shopping for Jingci girlfriendbabyluv's birthday present later . Not very sure what to get her , so maybe i'll get her like something stupid that she'll like . ^^ Lets see , I think my hair's like dried alr . One whole long prg of crapping . @_@ .
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hi , Im back . I know all of you though i was dead right . Well , too bad , Im not yet . LOL . Nothing much these few days , Except that I've been really moody , and dont feel like going for class . Am going to write a letter to daddy later and say that i dont feelt like going for class today and tell him i would explain to mummy cause i dont want him to know so much . I miss mummy so much , life's been quite boring since she went overseas . No mummy to see at night and scream at for one whole week . I miss shopping with mummy . ): Am going to go on a shopping spree w. mummy when she comes back . I book her first . ^^
See this dumbo on top ? Thats my dearest . He's an asshole . Because he keep pestering me to update . Because of himmmm , I paused my maple for like dk how long just to blog okay . Nao got 2x . Rahhhhhhhh . Dont know what to blog about . I just wrote finish th letter to daddy , Dont know how to pass it to him , Gonna slide it under his door later or something ? Well , I help dearest advertise his blogg !!! . !!!
Please go to his blog and spam him alright ? :D:D
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Okay , two days delayed post . Im so sorry nuer . LOL . I was too lazy to blog th past two days . Was fevering and all . Well , today , its a thursday ! :D And its raining . URGH . ): Had a craving to run atw to parkway to buy strawberry milktea , but before i could prepare and all , it started raining . Stupid rain . ): I wonder how nuer's gonna have fun at www . Its raining super heavily and all . x.x
Met nuer at house busstop there and we trained down to tamp to meet Dada :D Dada took th bus , and was quite fast you know . LOL . Will that was our reflection and nuer was wearing my nerdy specs . LOL . Reached tamp , and Dada reached around th same time too , So met her and went to tamp1 first . Bought my new jacket and dada bought a new shirt . ^^ Haven't really camwhore-d with my new jacket yet , shall post up a picture of it asap . :D
Went over to cs , so get movie tix and all . Watched My sister's keeper . Oh man , That show was awesome !!!!! LOL . Almost cried but was trying not to so as to not smudge my eyeliner and all . Was a very sad show , kinda dragging . But really niceeee . LOL . So after th movie , did abit of shopping . Went over to t1 to play kiapkiap machineeeee . LOL . There was'nt much cute toys though . I think suntec's one is nicer , :D One day gonna camp there , and kiap many toys , and someone's gonna spon me . ^^ .
Callida came over to my house . And we ate 711 food for dinner . And had strawberry eclaires for desert . Oh man , awesome-ness . Went upstairs , washed up and left for ballet . While i was washing my face , oh man , callida was so cute . She took my phone and started taking pictures of herself . So cute rightttttt . :X LOL .
Yeap , after that went for ballet . Was super shaggg-ed out . Met lex at tsod and we went to th toilet , to change . :D And lex was like lets take a picture to commorate todayyy . LOL . Yeap , that explains th first picture , :D I look kinda unglam there . And once again callida took my phone and started camwhoreing . She's just so cute luhs . LOL . Ended class at around 10.40 . Was super shagged k . LOL . Went home , washed up and all , and went to sleeeeeeeep . If i remembered correctly . LOL . Yeap . Thats all for tuesday , Did'nt have much pictures though . Will promise to take more pictures th next time i go outtttt . ^^
Having a bad craving for bbt , maybe go over to parkway later to get some . And hopefully rent some dvds for th holidays too . Might be having a movie marathon ! ^^ wanna come , text me alright , :D
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Ni hao . Went out cityhall w. Matt yesterday . Oh well , It was kinda fun . LOL . Saw Meixin darling , deb , shannon yesterday . Like oh man . Totally did'nt know that they were going there . I was like i saw Darling and i jumped off th playground , and went up to hug her like one keehong . LOL . Yeap , Waited super long for tutu and his girlf and his other friend to come . ): Slacked around suntec , and later off to marina to meet him . :D Yeap , Not much details at all . ): . LOL . Because im too lazy to typeeee . Yesterday totally had a craze to catch stuff toys from th arcade . But stupid me , forgot to bring money out and i did'nt want matt to pay for everything cause i would feel really guilty and all . So i resist . LOL . Although th stuff toys were like really cute and were like staring at me and said "pick me pick me " Like oh mannnnnn . Well , gonna go camp arcade someday with someone cause he promised me he would bring me . Oh yay . LOL .
Today , Gonna go tamp i think , with Lex nuer and Dada <3