This post is dedicated to Alex , Callida and Nicolaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . <3 . :D
Gah . You dont know how i much i miss you guys mannnnnnnnn .
And how long we've not contacted alr . ):
I miss bitching about people we dont like .
I miss confiding in you guys .
I miss going out with you guys and going crazy together .
I miss how high we always go when we see each other .
I miss th feeling of being dumb when i hang out with you guys .
I miss eating beefnoodles on th floor before classes .
I miss th times we had together .
I miss camwhoring together before classes and after classes .
I miss complaining and whinning whenever we had to gel up our hair before a performance .
I miss th way Callida would always take my phone and take pictures of herself .
I miss how we would look at th sunset together after saturday classes .
I miss going to th petrol station after class to get drinks .
I miss how we had wonderful heart to heart talks .
I miss going for exams together .
I miss everything that we used to do together .
You guys are th awesomest . We see each other in our most unglam moments , like when we have performances and have to gel up our hair , And in our most glam moments when we have to attend functions today . When either one of us is sad , we'll go all out just to cheer them up . And even though we do quarrel sometimes , we'd always make up during that same period of time and laugh at ourselves how stupid we get for quarreling over that small issue . I know i've quitted alr and we dont get to see each other very often like we always did , but im sure that we can still meet and chat about our lives . :D .
Love you guys ttm . :D .
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