Hai . Im back from Hongkong . :D .
Got quite an amount of pictures , which took like forever to upload luh .
Am using korkor's lappy now to blog . Cuz my com's obviously too laggy and stuff to post up .
So , Here it goes . :D
Ps. Its gonna be quite a long post .
Day 1 .Wokeup at around 4 plus am to get ready to go off . BabyA was being really sweet cuz she wokeup to sms send me off . LOL . Daddy sent me and mommy off to th airport around 5 i think . Checked in late , cuz mommy sorta got th timings wrong . x.x Hmm . took business class . :D

The flight was awesome . Th seats were so big that when i stretched my legs , i couldn't even touch th other seats . Wow right .

Some of th views from my window . (: . Flight was about 3 hours . Went through customs and everything . Went to take a train to Kowloon , somewhere near our hotel i suppose . Th train's like for tourists only . :D and it was awesome cuz on th top part , they would show this line thing with lights to show how long more journey its left with .

Th train ticket and seat . :D

Th light thingy i was talking about .
After that , took a bus to th hotel . Th hotel looked really grand and stuff . Super awesome . Checked in , only to realise that they dont have free wifi there . Had to pay like $20 for 24 hours continuously . Decided not to pay for th stupid wifi . Went to checkout th hotel room . Mommy upgraded our room . Wasn't any much bigger though , pictures . ^^ .

Went for lunch after that , I ordered coke , expecting to get like a can or something , but i got a bottle . Coolness . :D .

Went shopping around our hotel area after that . Also , went to this wholesaler place at Laichikok . Dont ask me why hongkong places have such weird names . LOL . stuff there was really cheap , as compared to singapore . Bought quite abit of stuff .
Went back to th hotel after that to rest for a while . Took a nap for about 2 hours before heading out for dinner . :D . Explored a few places and settled for this restaurant . Food wasn't good at all . Noodles tasted kinda bland and stuff . And mommy's food took super long to come . I ate finish my noodles alr and her food wasn't there yet . Walked for abit before heading back to th hotel to rest early . :D . No pictures though , nothing much to take .
Day 2 Wokeup around 10 plus or so . Washedup and everything . Headed out to The Sweet dynasty for brunch . Ate porridge and it was awesomeeeeeeeeeeee . Walked around Harbour City after that for abit . To realise that there's free wifi thereeeeeeeeeeee . :D

Th view at th harbour . (:
After that , mommy took me to Mongkok . Sat train there and walked to th this place , i think th name is like ladies market or something ? Alright . Nothing much there , as compared to Laichikok . Bought a reallyreally cute camera case for cammy . :D Its pinkkkkkkkkkkk . Went to this shopping mall after that , i forgot whats its name but it was damn niceeeeee . th design was like really cool luh . They have like two escalators there , each like 4 storeys high .

Went all th way up to the 12th floor . And there's like no individual escalator down to th next level , its like you have to walk downwards . Sorta forcing you to look at th shops on th way down . Quite a smart design though . Didn't buy any clothes from there or what . Bought my new waterbottle from there . :D . And bought gummyyy . They're gummy is like really cute cuz they have like kiappy thingys to help you kiap th gummy so that you wont have to dirty your fringers while trying to kiap th gummy to eat . :D

Went back to th hotel after that to get my lappy . Went back to harbour city to have crystal jade for dinner . Their crystal jade standard (Y) . Damn niceeeeeeeeeeeee . No pictures though . Went up to their food court to have dessert while using their free wifi . :D . Talked to darling there and webcammed for abit before heading back to th hotel to get a good night's sleep . :D .
Day 3Wokeup at around 10 plus as usual . Washed up and headed to sweet dynasty again for breakfast . Ate th same thing cuz it was just too awesome . Went down to harbour city , AGAIN to use their wifi . Took train down back to laichikok again for somemore shopping . :D . At the train station , saw this .

Larling , see its your shop . LOL . And so many people are queuing for itttttttttttt . LOL .
Shopped for abit before going down to this shopping centre . Over there , didn't have much mood to go shopping cuz all th shops there were like all branded and super expensive .

Trained back to Tsimshatsui , th place were our hotel was , to go back to harbour city . I realised that i've been going to harbour city everyday . LOL . Okay anyway . Sat outside this bread shop and ate my donut while chatting on msn with my dear Rena daughter . :D . Was trying to kill abit of time cuz mummy was gonna take me to watch this light show thingy at th harbour .

Cut short th pictures , cuz photobucket , idk got what problem dw to let me pasteeee . urgh .
After th light show , went to crystal jade , again for dinner . After that went back up to th foodcourt , used their wifi and talked for abit . Went back to th hotel to pack my luggage and sleeeeeeeeep .
Day 4 
Kinda of th same routine , wokeup , washedup and headed to harbour city . ATE CRYSTAL JADE AGAIN . LOL . Cannot tahan luh . Th food was like toooooo awesome .

Did i mention ? Th toilet sign , is like so niceeee . Compared to singapore's toilet sign , which is like just one yellow thingy .
Headed down to this espirit outlet near our hotel after brunch . :D .

Bought a few tops there , before heading back to th hotel to collect our luggage to head to th airport . took a bus back to Kowloon , and checked in our luggages there . Trained back to th airport and went to th lounge . Used their wifi there , and webcammed with Dearieee ! Made her really jealous cuz i was eating food from th lounge . Teehee . Played lappy till about6.30 or so , thn went to board th plane . Business and first class had separate queues ! So didn't need to queue up cuz there was like nobodyyyy . And i felt so gooood . Cuz th economy class queue was like freaking longggg .
Boarded th plane , no i mean BOREDED TH PLANE . LOL . Hahahahahah . Okay . i boarded th plane , and i saw th pilot . Omgoodness . Went to take a picture with him . Felt as though i first time take plane cuz i was going super excited over everything i saw .

Tried to take photos of th super nice lighting at th runway , but failed cuz th plane kept moving , and also cuz of my spastic hands . This will a holiday that i will never forget . :D . Landed at around 10.45 or so , saw korkor and daddy waiting for us . Walked out and first thing i did was like hug korkor . Went to basement to get my dinner cuz i didn't feel like eating plane food . Went home and cleared my luggage . Played com till like 1am plus before deciding to go sleep .
Couldn't wakeup this morning to go to schl for cheerleading . Sorry guys . x.x
slacked at home for th whole day . :D .
Okayyyyyyyyyy . Finally . I finished posting up this super long post . urgh . Took like One hour plus to like blog everything and like at least a few hours for th photos to finish uploading . LOL . kkk , i think korkor's gonna order pizza hut for dinner or something . Gonna go beg him . Teehee . kkk byebye .