Was supposed to blog yesterday about tuan yuan ,
but i when i came home , as usual i was too lazy to blog . LOL .
Oh well ,
Yesterday went over to ahma's house for tuanyuan .
Ate like abit only cuz had totally no appetite to eat .
Went down with mommy and korkor to get icecream .
Reached back , ate icecream and watched tv .
Didn't talk much to cuzzies cause i was too tired .
Went home about 9plus ,
Begged mommy to bring me out to play sparklers . Heh .
Felt like a 5 year old kid playing with th sparklers .
Well , it was awesome . (:

I burnt a pile of dried leaves , and there was a huge fire . Heh .

Some of th other nicer shots .
Didn't camwhore much , cuz mommy was there and i dont look nice in dark lighting . ):
Todayyyyyyyyy ,
Wokeup , bathed , prepared everything , only to find out that mommy got th timings wrong .
Urgh . Went over to ahma's house , to eat breakfast . :D
Awesome curry that we always eat every single year without fail . :D
Slacked around , fell asleep on th sofa .
A few minutes later , when i was about to fall asleep , mommy woke me up and told me we were gonna go to ahgong's house .
Reached there , shake hands with everybody .
Saw kendrickkkkkkkk .
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . He's so damn cute uh .
LOL . Alright , gambled for a while just now .
Was making a terrible lost .
But its not my money , its daddy's . :B
Went home around 4 plus and lazed around .
No pictures though , am too lazy to transfer th pix from daddy's camera to my com .
And oh ya .
Should i get a new camera ? ):
He wants me to blog about him .
And i just did .
He also wants me to say that he's incredibly cute , NOT . LOL .
k , he sucks . BYE .
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