Hai . :D .
quick update , Shall update tmr . With pictures , Cuz im supposed to be studying , but im too lazy . And plus , lazy to upload th photos too . x.x
Hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy . ):
I wish someone could deliver food to my house nao . ):
Lets see , What happened today ....
Stayed back in schl to study .
With Rena , shishi . :D .
Ate lunch at magicwok with th bunch of them .
Studied for a while at magicwok before going to vworld to study .
After studying , Broke down cuz i was feeling damn stressed .
Went over to court to find A . Or rather watch people play bball to sorta destress .
Broke down once again there . Because when we reached there , thought ran through my mind , bout not finishing studying and going to slack . I never felt so stress before lor . ):
Shishi got a shock . and she tried to comfort me . BUT FAIL. LOL .
Shishi and Rena kept talking about how cute i sounded when i cried .
Cuz i kept making those sounds .
After that , went back to vworld . to sorta study . But we ended up playing .
A came to find me after that .
Went to bus stop to take bus home .
Thanks for accompanying me today bf . (:
Thanks for walking with me to bus stop even though your knee was like really painful .
I feel so guilty right now for making you walk there with me . x.x
Reached home around almost 8 , went to do geog lorms question .
Watched The pupil with korkornut while writing second draft .
Finished and almost done studying . ^^v .
Copycopycopy , only know how to copy uh .
No names mentioned , but i think you should know who you are .
Copying almost everything i have.
Why ? Cuz im living th life you wanna live ? Heeeee .
Mommy says that i should be happy that people are copying me ,
Cuz i rock . LOL .
Well ,
Actually im not happy .
I want some sense of originality .
Well , You suck .
Urgh . Hypocrite .
Goodbye .
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
HELLO ! Back for a short update before going back downstairs to study chemchem . :D
Brought cammy to schl today . :D .
Very distracting . LOL . Hell distracting . Got really distracted .
but still , managed to finish studying almost everything alr . ^^v .
See , Hardworking . :B
List of formulas i have to studyyyy .
Distraction . ):
I hate it when you fucking try to make me so jealous .
If you think that's working , well maybe .
But im gonna force myself not to .
Cuz i know you want me to .
You dont mean much to me , not anymore .
Fuck you .
Sunday, February 21, 2010
HAI ! :D .
Long time of not updating . x.x
Have been really tired , and lazy to blog .
Finally persuaded mommy to get me that camera .
It took quite some time cuz she kept insisting that it wasn't worth money .
Well , In th end she stil bought it for me cuz i gave her that i-wont-be-happy-untill-you-buy-me-that-camera-face .
Supposed to be studying for my bio and ss tmr but im too lazy .
Camwhored alot today . But , too lazy to post up . LOL .
Need to think of what to post .
I need to get a haircut .
okay , random . LOL .
Have been procrastinating alot . alotalotalot .
On almost everything that can procrastinated .
This is such a long and useless post .
Cammie needs a new case . ):
kk , im gonna study . For real , this time . :B
argh . who am i kidding . LOL .
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Kkk . Finally , uploaded all th photos into photobucket .
Urgh . Took me forever man .
Spent Monday and Tuesday at a hotel ,
St Regis , In orchard . LOL . Six star kkk . LOL .
Mommy won it from some golf thingum and brought whole family there ,
Shall let th photos do th talking . :D
Our suite . (:
Th bathtub which has a tv for people to soak and watch tv . LOL .
Toilet . ^^
Our winebar (: NOT FREE AT ALL . LOL . WTH .
Uncle helping to setup wii for us . (:
Winetasting . (:
Awesome sunset view . (:
Camwhore-d abit before going down to orchard for dinner ,
Came back and played wii with family . Totally owned them at boxing and tennis . Heh . :X
Virtual golf was awesome . :D .
Swimming after breakfast th next morning . (:
Checked out of th hotel , Daddy sent me and mommy to orchard to do some shopping .
Bus-ed home with her and watched tv till about night time ,
before heading off to sleep .
Didn't go to schl today cuz my back's aching uber badly from playing too much wii boxing .
Mommy said she might consider taking us to a suite for our next holiday instead going overseas .
And thats all for my stay at a hotel .
Monday, February 15, 2010

HAI ! :D
Today's gonna be a good day , i can tell . :B
Waiting for uncle to come over to house for lunchy .
After lunch , am gonna check into a hotel with family till tmr afternoon .
So no updates till then ,
Gonna persuade mommy to get me that camera too .
Awesome .
Shopping today .
I can't wait .
Omt . LOL .
Im going highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .
Okay im bored .
Gonna go bathe and prepare now . (:
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Was supposed to blog yesterday about tuan yuan ,
but i when i came home , as usual i was too lazy to blog . LOL .
Oh well ,
Yesterday went over to ahma's house for tuanyuan .
Ate like abit only cuz had totally no appetite to eat .
Went down with mommy and korkor to get icecream .
Reached back , ate icecream and watched tv .
Didn't talk much to cuzzies cause i was too tired .
Went home about 9plus ,
Begged mommy to bring me out to play sparklers . Heh .
Felt like a 5 year old kid playing with th sparklers .
Well , it was awesome . (:

I burnt a pile of dried leaves , and there was a huge fire . Heh .

Some of th other nicer shots .
Didn't camwhore much , cuz mommy was there and i dont look nice in dark lighting . ):
Todayyyyyyyyy ,
Wokeup , bathed , prepared everything , only to find out that mommy got th timings wrong .
Urgh . Went over to ahma's house , to eat breakfast . :D
Awesome curry that we always eat every single year without fail . :D
Slacked around , fell asleep on th sofa .
A few minutes later , when i was about to fall asleep , mommy woke me up and told me we were gonna go to ahgong's house .
Reached there , shake hands with everybody .
Saw kendrickkkkkkkk .
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . He's so damn cute uh .
LOL . Alright , gambled for a while just now .
Was making a terrible lost .
But its not my money , its daddy's . :B
Went home around 4 plus and lazed around .
No pictures though , am too lazy to transfer th pix from daddy's camera to my com .
And oh ya .
Should i get a new camera ? ):
He wants me to blog about him .
And i just did .
He also wants me to say that he's incredibly cute , NOT . LOL .
k , he sucks . BYE .
Was supposed to blog yesterday about tuan yuan ,
but i when i came home , as usual i was too lazy to blog . LOL .
Oh well ,
Yesterday went over to ahma's house for tuanyuan .
Ate like abit only cuz had totally no appetite to eat .
Went down with mommy and korkor to get icecream .
Reached back , ate icecream and watched tv .
Didn't talk much to cuzzies cause i was too tired .
Went home about 9plus ,
Begged mommy to bring me out to play sparklers . Heh .
Felt like a 5 year old kid playing with th sparklers .
Well , it was awesome . (:

I burnt a pile of dried leaves , and there was a huge fire . Heh .

Some of th other nicer shots .
Didn't camwhore much , cuz mommy was there and i dont look nice in dark lighting . ):
Todayyyyyyyyy ,
Wokeup , bathed , prepared everything , only to find out that mommy got th timings wrong .
Urgh . Went over to ahma's house , to eat breakfast . :D
Awesome curry that we always eat every single year without fail . :D
Slacked around , fell asleep on th sofa .
A few minutes later , when i was about to fall asleep , mommy woke me up and told me we were gonna go to ahgong's house .
Reached there , shake hands with everybody .
Saw kendrickkkkkkkk .
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . He's so damn cute uh .
LOL . Alright , gambled for a while just now .
Was making a terrible lost .
But its not my money , its daddy's . :B
Went home around 4 plus and lazed around .
No pictures though , am too lazy to transfer th pix from daddy's camera to my com .
And oh ya .
Should i get a new camera ? ):
He wants me to blog about him .
And i just did .
He also wants me to say that he's incredibly cute , NOT . LOL .
k , he sucks . BYE .
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Had vday celebrations at schl yesterday .
It was hell lame , and i regretted not ponning . ):
Reached schl at 6.30 yesterday and went around giving out cards and stuff to people .
Initial plan was to give out everything so i could keep my paper bag in my crumpler but i ended up having another paper bag full of stuff . ):
Watched performances at hall till bout 10 .
They were hell lame . Dance till like shit . LOL .
3/4 didn't win anything for cny deco though . didn't intend to win anything cuz we totally didn't put in any effort for it . LOL .
Went over to orchard aft schl with Sunming , June & Claudia for some shopping and stuff .
Walked around for about 5 hours plus .
Omt . We walked like from mall to mall , and it was th same two malls , ion and wisma .
June left first cuz she had to go to th airport to catch a flight .
Followed by Claudia cuz she had dance lessons .
I accompanied Sunming to go shop for her cny clothes .
Left orchard around 4 and took direct bus home w. her .
Reached home , bathed and washed up ,
Before going to meet exboyf at my house back alley .
Talked for abit . Before mummy came home , and i had to go home , before she starts asking where i went .
Played com for a while before going to sleep at 6.30 .
Was supposed to wakeup at 7.30 for dinner , but slept all th way through .
Till like 10am today before waking up .
Pig , i know . :D

Some of th vday presents i received . :D .
Gonna go out parkway with mummy later , She promised to bring me to eat pepper lunch laterrrr . Yay . :D
Gonna make mummy get me more heels , cuz im in a total shopping mood today .
And i still cant decide what to wear to ahma's house tonight , for tuanyuan . ):
Mummy's gonna help me do manicure !!!! JEALOUS NOT . LOL . But have to wash off after cny . ):
kkkkthxbye . :D .
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hello ! Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy . Its Three more days to Vday . Really looking forward to it . Tmr schl's celebrating vday and cny . Not exactly looking forward to th performance and stuff but i wanna give out my gifts and see As reaction when i pass her her gift . LOL .

Yeap . Its 11.28 now and i really should be sleeping . but im not . I stayed up to finish up th cards . Omt . My hands are hurting like shiatzxc .
Am gonna sleep soon , and im blogging cuz im waiting for my hair to dry . and its taking forever . Kkkk , Post up more photos tmr . If i camwhore . :D . LOL .
I dont think i'll be able to sleeeeeeeeep . Excited .
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hai .
Okay . Schl sucked today . Was like fucking pissed off with alot of teachers .
First period - Amath .
Well , Ms lee sucked cock . :D . Me and tmx were like joking luh , cuz i keep ask her to suck cock , thn i told her , even she want suck also nobody want give her suck . & thn we tried to imagine , And started laughing atw down till courtyard for PE . :D
Pe .
Ran one round , of th 600m route . Okay , It wasn't really of a run , i was like walking half of th journey , and pretending to be damn tired on th way back . :D . Played volleyball today . :D:D:D Last lesson of volleyball alr luh . ): I dont want to play soft ball . Shall fake to Mrs sew that im allergic to grass , what i told Ms Kuah two years ago when she asked me to teach her how to do baby freeze on th field . Muahahhahahah . Got a booboo while playing volleyball . ):
Ss .
Listened to music while Vincent low was talking something about babies . He was like counselling us about what bgr crap , and what we shouldn't be dating when we are so young . and everybody sort of shot Cheryl and her Richman . LOL .
Recess .
Pon-ed dance practice . to EATTTTT . Omt . Pe makes me hungry k . ): and RUNNING is very tiring . Makes me sweat . ): Ateateate , like a piggggggg . And went to void deck . Seriously . whats th point of meeting up every recess when we're supposed to chereograph a dance for week10 rest and relax when like , they're not doing anything luh . Everyone's just like learning their own dances . WHATS TH POINT HUR . I want my recess you know . ):
Chinese .
Watched some retarded video that sec3'o9 did for th filming project thing . I swear , th whole video was just like girls emo-ing la . Thn what emo , thn car bang . thn go hospital . SO CLICHEEE . LOL . I bet hor , Me and beatrisa also can film better lor . :D Wasted a whole period like that . I could have just gone to sleep . but noooo , i had to stay awake to watch those videos . ):
Emath .
Two words . Mother fucker . Who to describe ? Ms Lee . :D . She's such a mother fucking bitch . You know right . i tried to listen to her talk right . and i didn't understand . So i stand up , and ASK POLITELY . Ask her to explain again right . She just stared at me , and carried on . Explain one more time will die meh . Not like she'll explode right . Tell you uh , Im gonna ask mommy to write letter to schl luh . Even with tuition , she talk and talk and talk , i also confused alr . Ask her explain , she scold me . Thn i keep quiet , she scold me cuz nv ask question . What kind of logic is this . No logic at all . No brainer like her . :D and today , she scolded our class for being slow . She say what she older thn us also can do faster . OF COURSE LA . She maths teacher leh , obviously faster right. If we faster , we all can be maths teacher alr lo . She suck cock k . And all of you who are reading this . Please get angry together with me , cuz i fucking hate her , and PITY ME TOO . cuz 3e4 might be getting her for a fucking two years . Say hello to c6 for Os . :D
Geog .
got back timed assignment . 3rd paper that i scored 8 for . I think its my lucky number this year . LOL . Went through th TA and like almost th whole period was over . Well , i wanted to sms during class . But Mrsthong just had to sit behind me . Why , Cuz i rock . :DIts damn stressful luh , i can't do anything except listen and try not to fall asleep luh . And oh ya . Mrs thong , when she explains th plate boundaries , she uses gross examples , eg . She wanted to explain some undersea volcano thing . and she was like using th example like th skin is th crust and th blood underneath is th magma . so when you cut yourself , its like volcano eruption . and all th blood shoot out . :D what great analogy hur . And today , she also said something bout th undersea volcano thing again . something like what mosquito bite you , thn got one lump , that is th volcano . thn th mosquito right . bite 3 in th same row one leh . Ji cute right . LOL .
After schl .
Went to parkway with Rena , Cheryl , Cassie and Mingxia . Mingxia sat like outside th table , and was being extra and blocking th way cuz i was sitting with Rena and Cheryl was sitting with Cassie . thn she dw to block th way , so she move her leg in , and make my leg have to intrude into Rena's personal leg space . Irritating right . kkkk , after eating , saw that th dustbin that i was sorta sititng next to got reflection , so i stared at it . and Mingxia thought i was emo-ing . Went to walk around parkway for a while , before th rest headed home . Left me and Rena . She dragged me to borders . And we were entertained by a ballball thing for like 45 minutes . Thn right , got this bitch , from taonan one , i do hao liao right . thn i put at th side , bai mei , thn she bitch sia . go take , thn shakeshakeshake . Make till my ballball all out of place . Irritating right . After that . Headed home and fell asleep on th bed . Wokeup around 7 plus and ate dinner . The End .
Hehehahahoho .
Im gonna go do my hw now . and revise abit for bio . CIAOS . :D.
PS : Waiting for Rena daughter to come online to send me th pix of th ballball thing . :D
Okay . Schl sucked today . Was like fucking pissed off with alot of teachers .
First period - Amath .
Well , Ms lee sucked cock . :D . Me and tmx were like joking luh , cuz i keep ask her to suck cock , thn i told her , even she want suck also nobody want give her suck . & thn we tried to imagine , And started laughing atw down till courtyard for PE . :D
Pe .
Ran one round , of th 600m route . Okay , It wasn't really of a run , i was like walking half of th journey , and pretending to be damn tired on th way back . :D . Played volleyball today . :D:D:D Last lesson of volleyball alr luh . ): I dont want to play soft ball . Shall fake to Mrs sew that im allergic to grass , what i told Ms Kuah two years ago when she asked me to teach her how to do baby freeze on th field . Muahahhahahah . Got a booboo while playing volleyball . ):
Ss .
Listened to music while Vincent low was talking something about babies . He was like counselling us about what bgr crap , and what we shouldn't be dating when we are so young . and everybody sort of shot Cheryl and her Richman . LOL .
Recess .
Pon-ed dance practice . to EATTTTT . Omt . Pe makes me hungry k . ): and RUNNING is very tiring . Makes me sweat . ): Ateateate , like a piggggggg . And went to void deck . Seriously . whats th point of meeting up every recess when we're supposed to chereograph a dance for week10 rest and relax when like , they're not doing anything luh . Everyone's just like learning their own dances . WHATS TH POINT HUR . I want my recess you know . ):
Chinese .
Watched some retarded video that sec3'o9 did for th filming project thing . I swear , th whole video was just like girls emo-ing la . Thn what emo , thn car bang . thn go hospital . SO CLICHEEE . LOL . I bet hor , Me and beatrisa also can film better lor . :D Wasted a whole period like that . I could have just gone to sleep . but noooo , i had to stay awake to watch those videos . ):
Emath .
Two words . Mother fucker . Who to describe ? Ms Lee . :D . She's such a mother fucking bitch . You know right . i tried to listen to her talk right . and i didn't understand . So i stand up , and ASK POLITELY . Ask her to explain again right . She just stared at me , and carried on . Explain one more time will die meh . Not like she'll explode right . Tell you uh , Im gonna ask mommy to write letter to schl luh . Even with tuition , she talk and talk and talk , i also confused alr . Ask her explain , she scold me . Thn i keep quiet , she scold me cuz nv ask question . What kind of logic is this . No logic at all . No brainer like her . :D and today , she scolded our class for being slow . She say what she older thn us also can do faster . OF COURSE LA . She maths teacher leh , obviously faster right. If we faster , we all can be maths teacher alr lo . She suck cock k . And all of you who are reading this . Please get angry together with me , cuz i fucking hate her , and PITY ME TOO . cuz 3e4 might be getting her for a fucking two years . Say hello to c6 for Os . :D
Geog .
got back timed assignment . 3rd paper that i scored 8 for . I think its my lucky number this year . LOL . Went through th TA and like almost th whole period was over . Well , i wanted to sms during class . But Mrsthong just had to sit behind me . Why , Cuz i rock . :DIts damn stressful luh , i can't do anything except listen and try not to fall asleep luh . And oh ya . Mrs thong , when she explains th plate boundaries , she uses gross examples , eg . She wanted to explain some undersea volcano thing . and she was like using th example like th skin is th crust and th blood underneath is th magma . so when you cut yourself , its like volcano eruption . and all th blood shoot out . :D what great analogy hur . And today , she also said something bout th undersea volcano thing again . something like what mosquito bite you , thn got one lump , that is th volcano . thn th mosquito right . bite 3 in th same row one leh . Ji cute right . LOL .
After schl .
Went to parkway with Rena , Cheryl , Cassie and Mingxia . Mingxia sat like outside th table , and was being extra and blocking th way cuz i was sitting with Rena and Cheryl was sitting with Cassie . thn she dw to block th way , so she move her leg in , and make my leg have to intrude into Rena's personal leg space . Irritating right . kkkk , after eating , saw that th dustbin that i was sorta sititng next to got reflection , so i stared at it . and Mingxia thought i was emo-ing . Went to walk around parkway for a while , before th rest headed home . Left me and Rena . She dragged me to borders . And we were entertained by a ballball thing for like 45 minutes . Thn right , got this bitch , from taonan one , i do hao liao right . thn i put at th side , bai mei , thn she bitch sia . go take , thn shakeshakeshake . Make till my ballball all out of place . Irritating right . After that . Headed home and fell asleep on th bed . Wokeup around 7 plus and ate dinner . The End .
Hehehahahoho .
Im gonna go do my hw now . and revise abit for bio . CIAOS . :D.
PS : Waiting for Rena daughter to come online to send me th pix of th ballball thing . :D
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Woah , Its been 5 days since i last posted .
Well , nothing much happened in th past week , except for super lot of CAs . And loads more coming up in week8 . ):
Alright , i was supposed to be doing my homework , but i got distracted halfway , and so i decided to blog . :D
List of things i need to get done :
- Get a new mouse . Current laoshu's left button's spoilt alr . ):
- Design th front cover of my homework file .
&&&& I wanna go to parkway and eat pepper lunch tonight . ):
Shall blog of what happened yesterday and today . :D
Yesterday ,
Went out with dearie to orchard to remove my extensions. Please take a look at th photos later , at how short my hair is now . D: I miss my xtentions . ): Okay . After that we went over to harbourfront to get my yoshi that i was craving for . :B Went to vivocity's sky park after that and slacked for a while . Camwhored for a little bit before heading back home .

Today ;
Managed to wakeup early today to go for church . Well , A spammed my phone in a very irritating way by sending like 15 wakeup smses . Irritating you know . LOL . Wokeup , bathed and got ready to go to church . After church , went to get lunch with mommy at parkway . Got my comfort drink , parkway's bbt . :B went home , ate till my stomach was about to burst . WASHED TH DISHES . LOL . And after that headed up to my room to study for a little bit . Did finish almost all my hw and decided to pack my files . I feel uber organised now that my homework file is super thin , and all my subject worksheets are in place , except for SS . Cause i dont know what colour ss file issssss . ): Camwhored for abit , and im gonna go design my cover pages nowww . Its gonna pinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk . ^^ . Uber happy today.

xoxo ,
i luv th way you interlocked fingers with me ;
PS : I wanna eat pepper lunchhhhhhhhhhh !!! LOL .
PS : I wanna eat pepper lunchhhhhhhhhhh !!! LOL .
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hi ! Back from tuition , and schl . ):
How i wish we could have weekends everyday .
Thn we wouldn't have to go to schl and i could enjoy shopping everydayyyyy . ):
Well , got back chem paper today .
And i score , reallyreally badly .
But i still passed ,
Tmr's bio and Amath paper ,
Pray that i do well . -crosses fingers- .
Have been quite distracted this few days , I dont know why . Been having a very short attention span . ): I really need to concentrate . ): CA week's like 3 weeks away .
Im gonna continue with revising for my math . :D .
How i wish we could have weekends everyday .
Thn we wouldn't have to go to schl and i could enjoy shopping everydayyyyy . ):
Well , got back chem paper today .
And i score , reallyreally badly .
But i still passed ,
Tmr's bio and Amath paper ,
Pray that i do well . -crosses fingers- .
Have been quite distracted this few days , I dont know why . Been having a very short attention span . ): I really need to concentrate . ): CA week's like 3 weeks away .
Im gonna continue with revising for my math . :D .
Monday, February 1, 2010

E for Elicia ! :D . Credits : Tmx daughter . :D
Alright , a quick and short post , before mummy's gonna bring m out to popular to get assesment books . Recently , nothing much going on in my life , that is worthy of going onto my blog . ): Well , been studying quite alot lately, Ca week . ): die alr luh . And i've got a few more things to blog later on , chem . ): Getting back results tmr . ): Im afraid . ): . Okay , carry on blogging later , going out now . Hopefully mummy agrees to buying me bbt . :D:D:D
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