Update! :D
Today had ballet.
Camwhored In changing room with Jie, Nuer and Callida.
Had an extremely nice camwhore with jie :D!
Darling went out with his friends.
I tell you im missing him like 12345678987654321 ):
He wont reply my smses ):
I feel so lonely without himmmmzxc ):
Meixin went to audi,
And i played one round, and went msn, because i felt like photoshopping.
But, on msn, I decided to call kor.
He sounded terribly no mood.
He told me to read his blog,
I did so.
Korkor :
Idk how to comfort you, but i really hope you will return back to th korkor i used to know. Th korkor who was'nt so dao, th korkor who always cared for me. And th korkor who was so happy.
Like on April 22. You sounded so happy. But when i read th post on top, my heart sank. Idk how to cheer you up. Because i realised, i no longer understand you anymore, we are'nt th closest kor and mei like how we used to be. Maybe its my fault, i dont know. but, I really wish to see that old jiajun back again. I miss th old jiajun. ):
This may be th shortest post, But i dont care, I have hardly any mood to post anyway ):
I miss darling so badly.
He wont reply my sms ):
Broke down.
Im feeling much better now alr.
Thanks Meixin. Thanks for trying to comfort me, cheer me up. Thanks for always playing lame with me. Thanks for ENDURING with me, like viewing my thousand and one comments, and even affirming me. Thanks for everything, what a great friend you have been to me, idk what i'll be without you. I guessed you might have got a shock right ? Why i suddenly so emotional over exams and stuff, idk why too, im just like that, a person who openly expresses her feelings. LOL. Im feeling muchmuchmuch better alr :D Maybe i just had to cry it all out, and would feel better. Anyway, Thanks :D
Thanks Darling. Although you did'nt really say much, i could feel that you really cared for me. That one sentence was enough, Just asking me whether i wanted to rest. I felt so reassured. Thanks. You cheered me up, somewhat. Thanks for always being there for me, I know we always fight about stupid things, I'll promise you i'll never make you jealous again. I felt like you did'nt love me, thats why i did that. Im such a retarded, stupid, idiotic, dumb girlf. :D
/ Darlingggg, tomorrow i'll be meeting youuuu ! Camwhore w. me pleaseeeeee? :D
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