hahax. im back again?LOL-ed. since when was i gone? okays enuff of de crap. xD was changing blogskin just now halfway dhen got really pissed cause only started to play come cause head very pain from doind idiotic maths. so use back old skin luh. anyways,
TODAY ROCKED BIG TYM LAH. go sch only to find out that MS.. MS. WADS HER NAME ARH. OHYA! MS FOO.. NOT HERE LAAA! so english and geog lessons went by like this!xD next was science! din relaly do much either. went thru answers blah blah blah;x after that, RECESS!!! diaoz. dhen chinese.. sianz. nearly fall asleep lah. dhen history ar.. was'nt doing much either.WHEEEExD after that maths~ MS TAYYYYY OLAYYYY! SHE NO COMMMEE. budden de relief teacher dump us with hw la! exercise 6.1 and 6.2 la! wth. dhen went home started zilian-ing with de class comm badge;x pictures.

during chinese luh.or was it history? i think is history.. ps ar stm =x

nice marh? class comm horr. mai play play. ELICIA CHEONGG KAII QIII<3 i know its a nice name=P bhb;x

took it from com. nice right? okays my brother watching nc16 movie again. i wan go watchhh! byes~
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