Hi , Sorry for th lack of updates .
Hahahaha . Am going to update from our long weekend till today , 14thaugust .
Friday 6th august , went to bugis and orchard with xinmiao and hazimah .
Went to orchard to go kbox . Hahahaha .
While walking to cine , this angmoh lady came up to us ,
And was like . Do you know how to go to BAYBAY ?
When she actually meant bebe .
That was our joke of th day . Hahahaha .
Met bi outside kbox there , brought him in .
Didn't sing much at all . Camwhored alot . Hahahaha .
And stupid baby kept making stupid faces , as always .
After kbox , xm and hazimah went home ,
Baby sent me home , cause i had tuition .
Bought hammy after tuition . Yay x10000 .
Saturday 7th August ,
Spent afternoon doing nothing much , waiting for schoolmates to come over . :D
Went over to parkway to fetch meixin , jianan , kelly , beat , sara , and baby .
Walked over to my house .

Played wii for abit .
Had a nice laugh with them .
Hahahah . i love them so much . :D

Then it was cake cutting .

So cute of them to sing to me in 6 different languages ,
or rather their own languages which consists of lalalalaal blahblahblah .

Cake got smashed into my face ,
but i had a nice time chasing them back and smashing th cake back into their faces !
Sunday 8th august ,
Went out with bi to shop in th afternoon ,
Followed by dinner with family at night .

Monday 9th August , Happy national day people . (:
Spent my day shopping with mummy , at ikea and at queensway area .
Bought a new box , to organise my makeup stuff .
Proud of myself . (:

Awesome pictures of hamham :

Spent my boring days in school playing bingo with meixin !
Hahahaha . We tried out a 10x10 box .
Was fun but abit too draggy .

Friday 13th August , Happy birthday to me . (:

Spent th day with baby and shaoliang .
Shaoliang's such an idiot .
Baby came to my house with shaoliang to fetch me .
Passed me my hello kitty balloooooooooooooon .
So pretty , but it burst like when i reached home .
): ): ): ! Baby promised to get me another helium balloon . Yay . :D

Spent th day at sentosa , playing at th beach . And not to forget , taking polaroids with baby .

Lots more photos are on shaoliangs fb and im too lazy to go save it and upload it .
Hahahaah .

End .
14th august ,
Am going to catch a movie , followed by some shopping . (:
Yayx2 .
Hahahahaah . I love my baby so much cause he's so sweet .
Hehehehehehehehe . No more updates till i get more photos . (: