HELLO WORLDDDDDD !!!Im back from obs . LOL .
No pictures yet , will get them asap , and post them up . :D .
Day 1 - Went to schl as usual , had to drag an effing heavy bag , urgh . Blahblahblah . Went to pulau ubin , blahblahblah . Learnt how to belay , and pitch up a tent . Went to pitch up tent after that and cooked dinner . Had rice , curry and some other stuff . :D Was quite satisfying and stuff . Bathed after that , And i forgot what happened after that . :X
Day 2 - Wokeup around 5am , unpitched tent , washed up . And stuff . Had breakfast w. group mates . I kinda forgot after sleeping last night . x.x Okay . Uhm . had kayaking lessons in th morning and rock climbing in th afternoon . Cooked dinner , bathed . packed up for land ex th next day .
Day 3 - Land ex . Th freaking killer . We walked around 20 km , dragging a freaking bag that was like 15 kg or so ? Almost died man . Land ex took up whole day . Cuz we walked from th east of pulau ubin , from camp 2 , to th west , and back to camp 1 . Had a feast that night . Ate 4 and a half scoops of rice , aka , mountain . LOL . Was so full after that almost died . LOL . Pitched tent , bathed and was briefed for next day's sea ex . Went to sleep after that . Did'nt like th third night's camp site , cuz it was like really dark , and ulu-ish . Was kinda scared , but after a while , overcomed it . :D .
Day 4 - Sea ex . Th awesome-ness . We triyak-ed around th island i think . Triyaked for about 24 km , 8 hours . :D . It did'nt feel like it was very long , cause occassionally i would slack and put my hands in th water to relax it . Was triyak-ing w. beat , and j . Our poor boat , capsized twice in a row . th first time we capsized , we got up , paddled in th same direction as th swosh , and capsized AGAIN . LOL . How pro can we get man . LOL . Felt like 3/4 was really bonded that day , cuz we encouraged each other to paddle together and stuff . triyaked from camp 1 around half of th island , and back to camp 2 . Heavenly . I missed camp 2 so much , even though it was only 1 night away from it . Was supposed to have some feast , but it wasn't really much of it . LOL . Cooked instant noodles for some of th 3/4 people , ended up having not enough time to cook for myself and a few others . Ate some left overs , was being rushed , so did'nt have to mood to eat alot . Starved for that night . Packed my bag , washed up and stuff , went to sleep . :D .
Day 5 - HAPPY DAY . Everyone was in a really good mood cuz we were gonna go home alrrr !!! :D . Did briefing and stuff , nothing much . Did some group activities . Got back our phones , suddenly felt so in touch w. my life again . Boat-ed back to punggol and bused back to tkgs . Mind had'nt really got in to th mood that we were finally away from that torture place . Kinda missing it now , i miss th bondings we had as a class there . ): Slacked in schl , while waiting for mummy to finish her meeting in office . Had my comfort drink , blueberry tea . :x . For 5 days , i was separated from it , and unhealthy junk food too . ): Mummy came , and took me to parkway , to get my new schl shoes , and look for a new slipper . I felt so happy man . LOL . Slept early that night , around 8 . :D .
Today - Gonna go shopping later w. mummy and korkor , when they get back from nsrcc . :D .