Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooot .
Met baby just naoz .
Could'nt decide where to go ,
Wanted to go ecp .
But thn somebody was like stalking baby or something .
So we went to bedok . :D
Walked around , trying to find stupid kfc . >:(
You know how much i luv eating kfccccc . LOL .
Baby spent more thn 10 minutes trying to persuade/force me to eat something .
But i kept telling him i dont want to eat .
In th end , gei ta mian zi , i eat . :D
After eating , felt so full and FAT . Like a pig . ):
My stomach was bulging out . T.T
Baby brought me to th playground ,
As he promised me he'd bring me there after eating . ^^
Slacked around abit .
And baby wanted to compete with me ,
Who could hang on that bar thing th longest .
Guys got more muscles thn girls k .
Except for baby , He's a noob . :D
Around 9.30 decided that i should go home ,
If not sure tio gan right . ):
Sat bus home and fell asleep in baby's arms .
Falling asleep in his arms is one of th bestest things that could ever happen to me .
Slacked around at back alley for a while before baby went off .
He abandoned me to go for a stupid chalet . ):
Anyway , I forgive him . :B
No pictures for today cause there was'nt any mirror anywhere ,
And when we reached th playground it was too dark to camwhore alr .
LOL . Shall off com soon and sleep .
Mummy's nagging alr . Urgh . ):
I've been missing th taste of your strawberry kisses ,
Th only taste that could drive me crazy.
Baby , hold my hand tight like how i held yours just now ,
I dont ever want to leave you again .
I know i'll never be able to live w/o you .
I love you babydearest , zxc . ♥