Its your birthday today ! So stay happyyyyy !
LOL. Yesterday went to Swensons to celebrate Lianne's birthday.
It was like super fun can :)
We kept making her worry.
Hah, She actually believed it.
LOL. Mummy said we were evil. But we're not right ? (:
Its called having funnnnnnn! zxc
LOL. Well, went out w. Mummy yesterday.
Hmmm, Ate pizza hut.
Th one near Eraaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
LOL. Ate supersupersuper full.
zxczxczx. LOL. Went home, to chiong bathe.
Amazingly, i got ready etc everything in like what 15 minutes ?!?!?!!!!
LOL. Proud of myself.
Dried my hair in th car, blahblah.
Reached church.
Oh-em-geeeeeeee. I did'nt see anyone i knew who was about my age.
Only saw some small teeeeny tiny people.
Yeah, LOL.
When th thing started. woah, fell asleep.
It was super boring.
And plus, i was alr very tired cause went out whole day.
Tried to sleep.
Thn bth alr, so told Mum to lend me her ezlink card.
To go home !!!
Ah, super scary experience.
Like, taking bus, and walking home ALONE.
I kept having th feeling that someone was following me,
and wanted to rape me.
I guess next time i shall wear more decent clothes.
LOL.And not super short miniskirts. :(
I learnt my lesson luh !
Scared die me :(
Reach home, talked on phone a while w. Jiajun Kor,
Thn went to sleep.
What a tiring day.
Energy totally drained out, during Lianne's birthday party.