Went out yesterday with Superboyf;Jingci;Jialing;Genesis & GAY.
Its was super fun okayy.
First met Superboyf at Eunos mrt,
Thn trained to Dhoby.
Met Girlfffff !
Outside bunk there.
Thn i saw GENESIS.
Almost kena chuatio.
Okay thn i went high.
Thn Girlf lent me her ezlink card to help me open com.
Such a good girlf right ♥
Thn played com for about one hour.
Thn went to arcade find Ganstead.
He was playing Maximum tune.
So after tht said Hi & went to Ps to find girlf.
She was at th toiletttttt.
& she pulled me in too to zilian with her.
Thn she not happy i taller thn her lo ! D:!
Make wo bend down dao so lowwww ! D:
Fine laaaaaaaaaaa;
Girlf, you taller thn me lahhhhhh <3
Thn after tht watch simi Condom solace thing laaaa.
Th show ah, fcking boring.
I almost fell asleep.
Went toilet-ing with Girlf to ZILIAN :B
Superboyf sms-ed me, what why so longgggg
Thn after tht went back.
Like 10 minutes later,
Went to toilet again.
zilian !
Thn went back, did'nt feel like watching
So went to back of th cinema & played scissors,paper,stone with girlf.
Funny looooooooo.
I was like squatting on th floor.
Thn suddenly th movie one guy was like SIT DOWN!
Kena Chuatio.
Thn keep laugh dao.
After movie, Superboyf went arcade to find Belle & Belle's stead.
So me,Girlf,Jialing,Genesis & Gay went bunkkk !
Not many ppl there i know,
But still got ppl i know th.
Thn girlf treated me to bunk 1 hourrr !
After bunk, went to find Ganstead.
Thn he say what his friend want jio me -.-
Dk what la.
Thn took bus to marina square, LOL.
Followed them to kfc to eat ? :B
But i did'nt eat, dieting :B
Thn walao, sibei cold laaaaa.
Almost freezed to death.
Thn i hugged Ganstead :x:x:x!
Cause i was cold okayy D:
Thn after tht bus-ed to Parkway.
Thn go arcade see see,
They say what want go toilet,
So i bring them lo,
Went inside toilet zilian abit thn i wait ouside for them
Thn liddat lo.
so after tht brought Ganstead to underpass
& i went home.
Chatted on phone with girlf,
Went high :B:B:B
Thn conf-ed with Lapi,Ahwei & some other ppl.
Nothing to post alr ?
I shall write what i want to say to ppl here :B
Jiajun:There's nothing much to say here, but we're drifting further apart.But why. Maybe cause its me. After this relationship, i promise i wont get into another one. I can't seem to stay tx to one guy. Maybe im unready? Most probably so. I wont get into another relationship anymore. I dont want to hurt anymore guys.
XiangSheng Ganstead: Thanks for making yesterday a day tht was superfun :B And yah, I won't stead with Bk. I dont think im suitable for him. Like you said something about what hong & break. Yah, i hongster. & i don't want our relationship to break our something if i stead with bk & break or something. Intro him other girls ? Some tht can stay tx to him & are more chio thn me ? :B I dont want to hurt any guys, especially your friends.
Jingci girlf: You rocked yesterday. & you naughty girl, did'nt even tell me you knew Genesis! Rahhhh! Anyways, sometime we shall go out again & zilian more. & next time, watch a nicer show tht will entertain us, and not make us die of boredom.HAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAH.LOL.
Lapi!:HOI YOUUUUUUU. IM NOT STUPID OKAYYZXZX. Neither am i a dummy :B & im not a copy cat tooo ! D: Rahhhh! Next time ni qu bunk ni xiaoxin ! I sure disiao you th ! Rahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thanks for being an entertainer to me:x Been calling you these fews days, you never fail to make me laughhh, HAHAHAHAAHAHAH.
Lazy to write more leeeeeeee, Next time post again :B:B:B